The Blog formerly known as the Newsletter

The official blog site for the MetroWest Parents of Multiples
About me:
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Lanie Wish, I was Editor of the Two Times newsletter in 2015. I am still the Newsletter Chair, but I decided to change the format to a blog format in 2019.
I have been a member of the MetroWest Parents of Multiples (MWPOM) since 2009, while I was pregnant with my fraternal boys. I spent two months of my pregnancy at Brigham & Women's Hospital due to an incompetent cervix and my twins were born prematurely at 31 weeks, spending a month in the NICU. My husband and I don't have much family here, so the club became a huge support system for us. It was a way for me to get advice, suggestions, and I made friends with people who "get it". So being a board member is how I give back.
About this blog:
You will find all of the regular items that used to appear in the newsletter, under the different categories: News & Articles, Club Information, Book Reviews and Lanie's Editorials. Below is a description of each category to help you find what you need. Since most of our updates are done on Facebook, I wanted to make the blog a tool for all members to use any time. With the blog format I can instantly post an article and I don't need to set deadlines or construct a layout for a publication. Members will have instant access to articles the minute I post them. Explore & enjoy!
News & Articles: facts about topics related to parenting in general, and sometimes multiple-related
Club Information: reminders, Board of Directors contacts, Save the Date, upcoming events, Tag Sale, or anything you need to know about the club.
Book Reviews: This is where you'll find reviews on any books related to twins, raising them, or pregnancy
Lanie's Editorials: This is where I offer my two-cents on just about any topic.
Tag Sale: Anything Tag Sale related