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In-person Events are Back in Full Swing for Spring


Hello MWPOM members!

We are all about twins here but it’s time to get ready for the triple threat! MWPOM is bringing back three very much missed in-person events: Trivia night, Tag Sale and Year End Dinner! See links below to RSVP. But first, I want to give a big thank you to everyone who participated in our Virtual 5k and Spring Fling. Monicky Marcelino, our Social chair and Kelly Upchurch-Kozlowlski, our Fundraising chair spearheaded this funtastic event. We were able to raise over $450 for the club! There were 5k swag bags, snazzy new MWPOM t-shirts, and kid crafts. And the kids loved the face painting by Katie Ososwiecki- Zolnik, one of our Recording secretaries. It was a big hit and sure to be a new annual favorite activity for our club!

However, the fun is just beginning! Our Trivia Night is on again! This Thursday, doors will open at 7PM for socializing, light refreshment and cash bar. Before the games, we’ll make some brief announcements. Then the Parliamentarian (and Technology chair), Sarah Pelligrini will officially take nominations from the floor and announce next year’s slate of board members to be elected. T-shirts will be available for sale AND there will be a raffle drawing for anyone who brought in diaper donations at the Spring Fling or that night. It will be a fun night out and I hope to see many of you there!

And yes it’s really happening! Spring Tag sale is on May 22nd this year at the Natick Elks. Registration for sellers is ending soon! Our Tag Sale team has worked hard to make this a reality for our members so go through those closets and register! There are some changes in place, so if you want to sell review the Seller’s Guide for the changes to selling/setup/and the actual sale. The Spring 2022 Seller Registration guide can be downloaded from our FB page; look under the heading “Files” or see the link below. After reading it, you can email the Tag Sale Chairs, Melody Chappel and Mila Nutter, at . They will confirm your space and direct you to the next steps.

Also, making a comeback in a big way, is our Year End Dinner. It will take place June 9th at Conrad’s in Sudbury. We are bringing back the music, dancing, food, drinks, awards and RAFFLE Baskets galore! The cost to attend is only $20 but you do need to RSVP, so don’t delay sign up today. See links below for all these events plus info for the first Playground tour stop happening over the summer.

May 12th 7PM: Trivia Night! Trivia Prizes and Tag Sale talk at the Natick Sons and Daughters of Italy (in-person members)

Vote for Member of the Year:

Vote and/or Nominate someone for a Board Position:

May 22nd Spring Tag Sale: The Natick Elks Lodge, 95 Speen Street, Natick (members and their helpers)

Spring 2022 Seller Registration guide:

June 9th 7PM: Year End Dinner: Conrad’s in Sudbury (member event)

Saturday, June 25th Playground Tour: starting at 9:30 AM at Smile Park, Sudbury (members, prospective members and families)

Remember that to keep up with the latest events you need to be a member in good standing. (Assistance is available see below) Check all your inboxes (even spam) for renewal emails from: or email: to find out your status.

As always, if your family is in need of support please contact or myself . Hope everyone got spoiled by their kiddos on Mother’s Day!

Health and Happiness,

Meredith Fitzgerald

President MWPOM


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