Happy Holidays!
Does it seem too early to say that? It certainly feels early, but for me, the "Holiday Season" starts on Oct 1st when I start decorating for Halloween, which has now come and gone. That means it's already time to prep for Thanksgiving and I'm having a really hard time believing that! I don't host Thanksgiving, but that doesn't mean I'm not making food anyway!
Luckily I had a few apples and pears leftover from our Family Fun Fest at the end of September that were perfectly ripe for a pie. I made this pie and it's now sitting in my freezer just waiting for the day to come that we can enjoy it. Waiting is the hardest part, right?

I know I won't have to wait long though! Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that sneaks up on me! It was fun celebrating Thanksgiving early at our November General Meeting with our Inaugural Potluck Cook-Off and Food Drive.
Pretty soon the turkey and gravy will make way for twinkle lights, trees, candles, and baking cookies. Lots and lots of cookies. If you like cookies, and who doesn't, make sure you save the date for our Cookie Swap on December 11th at 7 pm, details coming to mwpom.org and our Facebook Group very soon!
One of my favorite things about the holidays is that they bring out the best in people. We give thanks for what we have, we give toys to children in need, some even take time out of their busy schedules to volunteer in various ways. Are you interested in volunteering for our group? Are you already a volunteer? Then you're invited to our Annual Volunteer Holiday Party on December 5th at 7 pm, details coming soon! Keep an eye on our site and Facebook Group for more info.
I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season and a very happy, healthy New Year!