As your National Representative, I just thought I'd take a minute to let you know what's going on. First of all, I'd like to thank State Representative Stephanie Tu for assisting me with my National duties.
Multiple Connections
The most recent news is the Winter edition of "Multiple Connections," which was formerly known as "The Notebook," and is National's quarterly magazine, which is available for online viewing. I posted this link on our members-only MetroWest of Parents Facebook page, but just in case you missed it, I have included a link here: https://multiplesofamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Multiple-Connections-Winter-2021.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3DDzXPvY7x2msW6u7-9OPx4MWlegFhGGOd57hpRwgm2NS43-5sRJSamUk

Special Election
We do have a Special Election in February 2021 of Proposed Bylaw Amendments. Club President Meredith Fitzgerald will be our main contact, and myself, Lanie Wish, National Rep, as the Alternate. There are 4 proposals that will need to pass in order for the Bylaws to be Amended. I will update Members with the results once they are in.

Proposal 1, which is about Convention, and would add in safety considerations and a change in format (i.e., virtual), these changes coming about due to the pandemic.
Proposals 2 and 3 have to do with title changes for the Events Vice President. Proposal 4 has to do with Officer title changes.
None of these proposals would have any dramatic effect on Membership. The only positive thing would be that perhaps more people would be able to attend National Convention if Proposal 1 passes, to make it virtual this summer.
Multiples of America website Members Only section
National's website can be located by going here: https://multiplesofamerica.org
On the Home page, up in the right hand corner, you will see a Members Only Login tab.
By clicking it, you will need to enter a username and password. Every year in December the user name and password change, and you can only access it by getting it from us.

Effective Date: December 15, 2020
Valid through: December 15, 2021
Member Login: S@ddleUp2020
Member Password: SPUR$Gr0wth