Getting together once a month with other parents of multiples in support of each other is a great way to get out of the house. Sometimes it can feel very lonely when you're on your mobile device, trying to reach out to other multiple parents who may not have a schedule like yours. Social media sites can be great for that, but it's not the same as having another parent who has been where you are, who can look into your eyes, and give you a supportive hug because he or she knows that you need it.

Technology and social media have become our go-to way of communication, to the extent that it's much easier to log on your device of choice (laptop, desktop or mobile device) and get a quick answer or suggestion, but modern technology is still no match for personal interaction.

I have been a member of the club since 2009, when my twins were born and spent a month in NICU at Brigham & Women's Hospital, and I can honestly say that physically attending a meeting or event has helped me so much. Everyone's situation is different, and we all deal with stress differently. Looking another twin mom in the eye, being able to give and receive that support hug is a feeling that you can't get from an online group or site.
Carve out some "me" time. Sometimes taking a step away from your babies for a few hours might just be the thing you need. We're all here for each other. And when you're ready, we'll be here for you.